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Ad Tech Connected TV Effectiveness Video

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随着观众离开有线电视,内容传送基础设施开始转向网络, 毫无疑问,CTV是未来的趋势——然而,广告商策划广告活动的方式还停留在过去, writes Lotame's Hunter Terry


Instead of taking advantage of CTV’s data-driven capabilities, 许多广告商依靠的是他们几十年来一直使用的人口统计数据:年龄和性别与电视内容类别相一致,除此之外就没什么了. 这种有限的观点可能会使交易量最大化,但也留下了许多机会.

Why is age & gender so prevalent in TV advertising?

TV has been the prestige advertising channel for many decades, 在这里,大品牌与明星的形象、好莱坞的制作价值和经纪公司展示他们的创意才能展开竞争. Without opportunities for direct conversion, building brand awareness was the name of the game, with adverts aimed to appeal to as many viewers as possible.

收视率数据将允许根据他们观看的内容对特定年龄和性别进行一定程度的调整, 但数字世界的精确行为目标却无处可寻, nor was it possible. 但随着央视的到来,这一切都改变了——或者说有可能改变, where a more data-driven, digital-like approach to granular audience targeting is available.

However, old habits are hard to break, 年龄和性别仍然是电视广告中受众定位的实际属性. 这限制了该渠道提高知名度的潜力,也限制了大品牌能够负担得起的散弹枪定位方法. But even in the world of big budget TV advertising, 随着CTV数据能力的成熟,精确细分的效率和成本节约将无法抗拒.

Demographic targeting is in desperate need of a reboot

年龄和性别本身是不可靠的,不能代表广告商通常会瞄准的生命阶段. The age at which people are having children, buying their first home, or retiring is widening in range, and many may forgo these traditional markers of success entirely. Whether through economic pressures or greater individual freedoms, 人类经验的日益多样化使得孤立的人口统计假设不那么可靠.

不仅仅是人们在进行多元化投资,还有他们所看的东西. 除了超级碗或FIFA世界杯等重大体育赛事之外, there are fewer reliable cultural touchstones on TV. 如今可获得的内容数量之多——从点播到令人眼花缭乱的各种服务的直播流——使得准确预测受众观看的内容要困难得多, 而做出宽泛的假设意味着错失了针对有价值的细分市场精心策划相关活动的机会.

In addition to what people watch, there’s how they watch it. Someone watching a documentary on their phone while they commute, playing old sitcoms on their tablet in bed, 或者在工作笔记本电脑的角落里播放体育直播,这些都属于中央电视台的范畴, 但他们的观看体验与家人聚在一起看大屏幕电视相去甚远. In such cases, information such as the user’s device type, location, and level of attention is just as important as their demographic, if not more.

Consumers have broken demographic barriers & brands should follow

如今,一些最受彩乐园dsn的受众群体冲破了人口统计学的障碍. Take the rise of the value-driven consumer, for example. While Gen Zs and millennials tend to get the limelight here, 各个年龄段的人都越来越关注他们所购买的东西对环境和道德的影响. Without any insights into such attitudinal factors, 环保产品的宣传活动可能会针对30-34岁的女性, who may index higher in value-driven consumption, but by no means make up the entire segment.

As the gradual and inevitable shift from linear to CTV continues, 活动策划者需要通过尽可能多地了解目标消费者来为他们的策略提供信息,以匹配流媒体平台日益提供的粒度, broadcasters, and TV OEMs. 通过面板上的数据丰富来填充他们的目标受众的图片, exchanges, collaborations, and more, advertisers can build out precise, CTV-ready audience segments.

An airline could distinguish between business and leisure travellers; an auto company could isolate single urban professionals seeking a small electric vehicle; a food delivery service could reach rural customers many miles from major stores.

流媒体平台和零售媒体网络之间的数据协作, for example, 可以向CPG品牌展示他们的目标消费者正在观看哪些内容,并直接围绕这些内容投放广告. 年龄和性别很重要,但当你能确定自己的前景时,年龄和性别就不那么重要了, 打开机会,围绕内容和产品来策划活动,而不仅仅是看电视的人.

广告的核心原则是正确的信息,在正确的地点,在正确的时间. 基于年龄和性别的人口定位不足以在分散的CTV生态系统中实现这一目标. 但是,广告主在线性时代的简单性中失去的东西,在精准性中得到了回报. 你的理想客户可能是那些在电视上狂看犯罪剧重播的人,或者在火车上用手机看动漫的人. With the right data, you can find them.

By Hunter Terry, Head of CTV


Lotame is a technology company that makes data smarter, faster, and easier to use for digital marketers. 我们的端到端数据协作平台为成千上万的营销人员提供支持, agencies, and media owners to access, analyze, 激活他们需要了解和吸引消费者的数据. Our proven commitment to industry interoperability, connectivity, 隐私有助于推动公司按照自己的条件取得成功的业务成果.

Posted on: Friday 17 May 2024