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Democratising incrementality measurement at the7stars


Ad Tech Effectiveness Measurement
Ad Tech Effectiveness Measurement

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7stars在开发了一款“增量”软件后,对其数字营销衡量方式进行了逐步改变,该软件缩短了设计过程,并确保其客户不断提高活动效果, writes Head of Analytics Billy Ryan

30年来,点击率(CTRs)一直主导着数字有效性的讨论,因为它相对容易测量. 他们在不断发展的数字营销世界中的一致性对任何希望优化活动表现和速度的人来说都是一个有吸引力的属性, 在不断变化的数字跟踪环境中,性能反馈回路的长度和清晰度是引人注目的. But with CTRs outside of SEM routinely under 0.1%, 现在应该很清楚,点击率是衡量竞选效果的一个糟糕的领先指标.

然而,像7stars这样的机构仍然会定期收到将点击率列为活动KPI的简报. 通常它仍然被认为是比较创造性效率的统一指标, or to provide fast feedback for optimisation. However, CTRs tell us nothing useful or meaningful about the business outcomes marketers are ultimately tasked with driving; nor is it aligned to any specific channel role.

So why does it persist on briefs? It’s because, at the other end of the spectrum, 衡量由活动驱动的增量业务成果一直都比较困难. Traditionally, 市场分析师一直专注于使用多因素分析方法(通常是市场组合模型)来解决这个问题. However, MMM输出——尽管功能强大——可以代表抽象的见解, and arrive with a significant reporting lag (often 10 weeks+).

另一方面,实验更容易解释,并产生更快的反馈循环. 用“变暗”的概念来衡量活动的增量效果是直观且吸引人的, 相应的输出描绘了一幅令人信服的营销对商业贡献的图景.

然而,稳健的媒体实验是出了名的难以设计, and require several interdependent factors to be managed. Opportunity costs like foregone sales must be carefully positioned to the business; overlapping planning territories must be targeted cleanly across multiple departments and media owners; alternative category response rates, 目标受众的渗透水平和实际可用性都必须优化,以构建一个强大的实验活动,而不会让广告商倾尽所有.

把所有的东西放在一起——“设计速度”对于传统的客户/代理机构来说太慢了, 因此,增量实验在营销界已成为一种未被充分利用的工具.  

At the7stars, 我们已经开发了一个内部工具来提高设计的速度-重力实验. 开发这个平台大大减少了与客户设定假设和设计媒体计划之间的摩擦,这些计划可以有力地验证假设. 我们的设计算法足够强大,可以平衡所有相互依赖的因素,并利用数字渠道中可用的区域粒度来设计具有最低测量风险和最低媒体成本的活动. All in a matter of seconds.

在过去的一年里,我们开发了一个基于网络的平台,在整个机构范围内使用, and has truly democratised incrementality experiments. 它足够灵活,可以跨所有通道使用,甚至可以将多个通道和多个假设堆叠到一个单一的实验中. The user-friendly interface means it can be used across all teams, short-cutting analyst time at the design stage.

作为一个机构,重力实验已经逐步改变了我们测试和学习的方法. We can learn more, and with greater speed and accuracy than before. 我们可以更优雅地为客户传达媒体对业务增长的贡献, and the continuous loop of hypothesise, plan, execute, learn, 在这前所未有的混乱的一年里,我们的客户提升了媒体策略.

该平台使我们能够执行各种实验,如为DTC客户提供八位数的“扩展”媒体计划, testing higher BVOD weights to mitigate inflation for a retailer, 并测试Facebook和谷歌对流媒体活动的相对增量.

该工具已经帮助我们成功地在机构中发展了关于数字营销有效性的对话. Gravity Experiment allows us to create a rich stock of effectiveness learnings at the rapid pace digital marketers have become accustomed to; all while delivering attribution measurement and insight at a higher level of integrity and reliability than ever before.

By Billy Ryan, Head of Analytics


the7stars is the UK's leading independent media agency, 为客户提供跨渠道的综合媒体解决方案.

Posted on: Friday 11 February 2022