


知道在哪里寻找你在网络广告行业的第一个机会可能是令人生畏的. 有这么多不同的工作场所, 可用的公司类型和角色, 很难知道从哪里开始. Well fear not because we’ve pulled together a handy list of some of the most exciting opportunities in the industry for you; whether you are looking for 工作经验, 毕业生计划, internship or even an apprenticeship scheme – this list has it all.


鲍尔学院 are a unique 培训 provider owned by, 位于里面, 世界上最大的媒体公司之一. 它提供学徒标准培训,并在政府认可的学徒培训提供者登记册上. 它还为包括王子信托在内的私营和公共部门客户创建和运营强大的社区项目, Rank基金会和大彩票基金.

了解更多并申请 在这里.


Winner of Britain's Best Digital Skills and Inclusion project 2019 this free, 为期10周的课程将原始人才转变为入门级候选人,在数字领域的知名赞助公司担任一系列受保护的职位, 传媒及创意产业. 我们的重点是BAME/女性/神经多样性/收入困难的个人谁想要加速他们的数字, 创意和专业技能. It's taught by the best in the industry through a series of lectures, 针对, 'real world' experiences and Google online learning. Bursaries are available to fund living costs whilst you study. Our 2018 cohort had 95% employment 12 weeks after graduation. 

如有查询,请浏览 (电子邮件保护) and check out our insta @BrixtonFinishingSchool, Twitter @BrixtonFSchool, full details www.brixtonfinishingschool.org


的代码 代表 Creativity, O机会, D小班, E授权. It brings together the power of people and networks, to make a positive impact on society and the next generation of talent. 《dsn彩乐园网址》由讲习班组成, 比赛, 了解天, 工作经验, and an innovative Early 职业生涯 programme in cities around the UK.

了解更多并申请 在这里,或电邮 (电子邮件保护).


创意导师网络(CMN)是一家总部位于伦敦的慈善机构,其使命是通过指导使创意产业更具社会经济多样性和包容性. Over a 16-week period, mentors are trained in coaching skills for effective leadership. 导师通过与学员(16-24岁)一对一的课程,将这些技能融入并完善。.

Partners include Sony Music, 天空, Soho House, Havas, Global Media and M&C萨奇.

了解更多并申请 在这里.



国际学院 is a unique school for Year 10 to Year 13 students. 它专注于广播和数字媒体,为学生提供在该行业取得成功所需的技术技能. Graduates go onto employment or further 培训 in the industry at companies like Global, 英国广播公司, Facebook和谷歌.

Apply now to join Year 10 or Year 12 in September 2020 在这里. Open 事件 will be taking place in October 2019, January 2020 and March 2020.


直接的媒体 Co is an award-winning special interest content and platform company. 它是英国最大的消费媒体企业之一,也是最大的杂志媒体出版商之一. 它的目的是在平台上创造引人注目的内容,增强人们与他们喜欢的东西互动的方式.

打造品类领先品牌, 直接媒体雇佣1,在伦敦有500名员工, 布里斯托尔, 伯明翰和曼彻斯特.

了解更多并申请 在这里.


We host our GeneMachine process for all new graduate starters. This includes welcome drinks before their start date, 为他们在公司的头3个月设定一个指定的伙伴和目标,使他们完全融入业务. All graduates have the opportunity to complete IPA Digital, Facebook和谷歌 exams to ensure continuous learning and development.

请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 获取信息包.


作为谷歌的数字营销学徒, you will join the Sales or Marketing teams for a 15-month placement. 在这, 您将学习由谷歌学术合作伙伴提供的三级数字营销资格 WhiteHat. 在整个学徒生涯中, 你将有机会与谷歌团队一起解决现实生活中的问题,同时向世界一流的数字营销领导者学习.

Applications open in October 2019 for an October 2020 start.


《dsn彩乐园网址》的工作 将志同道合的求职者和雇主聚集在一起,旨在为每个人创造一个更快乐的工作世界. It works with employers across a wide range of sectors, with roles at every level. Whether your career-driven or want to do good in the world, 《dsn彩乐园网址》的工作 has lots of advice about getting into different sectors.


邮件都市传媒 is the unified advertising division of dmg media, representing some of Britain’s most popular media brands; Daily Mail, 星期日邮报, 《彩乐园dsn》, 地铁和地铁.co.uk.  

每天覆盖五分之一的英国成年人,每个月覆盖70%的人口, 它是英国最大的新闻品牌出版商. 

邮件都市传媒 support 工作经验 and apprenticeships across all of its departments.

了解更多 information about current opportunities by 联系ing (电子邮件保护)



了解更多并申请 在这里.


At 慷慨陈词 ‘People First, Better Results’ isn't just a tagline... 这就是它每天努力工作和思考的方式. 这就是为什么它创建了一个学徒计划和一个旨在改变的早期人才计划, 发展和激励. These programmes are tailored to you as an individual and your skills. You will have the opportunity to spend time in different departments such as planning, 购买或数码产品, providing a fantastic opportunity to explore how a media agency works. 

了解更多有关慷慨陈词的早期人才计划 在这里.



关键的伦敦 一家顶尖的专业媒体招聘机构是否能让你接触到整个媒体生态系统的工作,从而为你打开更多机会的大门. Trusted by over 120 of the world’s most innovative and exciting agencies, 品牌和科技公司, 关键的伦敦的顾问团队会根据你的技能和职业目标为你提供个性化的建议,有效地支持你和你的求职.
关键的伦敦 专门提供彩乐园dsn, marketing and data and analytics recruitment services to its clients. 在这些功能中, it offers multiple service lines to cater to every recruitment need, 在合同, 永久和高级猎头.

要浏览作业,请单击 在这里


作为认可的教育机构, 社会链与教育当局合作,为社会和数字营销创造最佳的课堂学习时间表. It is set to be the first company to provide a qualification in 播客ing, 抖音和其他方面的社交媒体营销.

这些都不会在课堂上提供——所有的学习都将在实际环境中进行. The whole programme will also touch on life skills including presentation, 福利, money management and mental health alongside more traditional aspects. 



Internships at Spotify are anything but conventional. You won’t be making tea, picking up packages or taking minutes. 你将是重大项目的核心, working with teams of passionate people to create the next awesome thing.

Whatever you’re studying, t在这里’s an internship to suit you. Or, if you’ve just finished your studies, t在这里’s also grad and trainee opportunities.

点击这里 了解更多. 



在为期两年的课程中, 你将能够与行业专业人士一起工作,获得真正的工作经验和责任. Alongside your day job you'll be studying for a relevant qualification, 学习新技能, receiving support and 培训 from various sources within The 电报 and building your network. 

To find out more about our programmes and be notified when applications open, register your details 在这里


TIPi学院是一个选择性的, free two-week course that introduces young people to the digital landscape. “学者”接受了大量可用的数字途径的教育,以便他们能够做出明智的决定, 如果有任何, 他们愿意跟随.

了解更多并申请 在这里


Totaljobs是英国领先的求职网站之一, attracting 12 million visits and 3 million applications from qualified jobseekers every month. 平均170,000 jobs are posted a month by thousands of employers including Amazon, 天空, 维珍媒体, DHL和许多其他公司.

总部设在伦敦, Totaljobs在伯明翰有额外的办事处, 卡迪夫, 利兹, 曼彻斯特, 诺丁汉和格拉斯哥. 

了解更多 在这里.


WhiteHat is a tech start-up matching young people to the best career-focused apprenticeships on offer at some of the UK's most exciting companies; from Google and Facebook, BP和华纳兄弟. By delivering 培训 in partnership with world-class content providers, WhiteHat aims to provide an exciting alternative to university.

了解更多并申请 在这里.


造波全球数字期货计划让您直接接触该机构的核心数字部门, immersing you within 造波 Global and its clients. 在整个课程中,你将得到支持, mentored and trained to ensure you are constantly learning and developing.

你可以登记你对这项计划的兴趣 在这里.   


Xandr认为,帮助培养和培养对数字感兴趣的下一代是很重要的. 这就是为什么它为大学生提供为期12个月的工业实习,让他们在大学的倒数第二年完成. 

These opportunities are available on both the client services and commercial teams, 让学生了解数字生态系统,同时帮助他们扩展技能,并形成如何在工作环境中互动的基础.  

进入数字行业并不意味着要知道如何编程或了解彩乐园dsn领域——这些都是可以学习的.  赞德在找什么, 和价值, are individuals who are passionate about technology, 喜欢建立人际关系,乐于学习.

To find out more, 联系 Gabriella Soare, Associate Recruiter, EMEA & 亚太地区: (电子邮件保护)